Computing Rationale
At Robert Miles Infant School we believe that every child should have the opportunity to use and experience a range of technologies. We aim for children to become confident, enthusiastic technology users who are ready for the next stage of learning in Key Stage 2. We believe children should become computer literate; enabling them to fulfill their potential and thrive in an increasingly technology reliant world. Our pupils learn key computer skills which includes developing awareness of different types of technology and how we use them in our lives; researching online to support our cross-curricular learning; programming and using their developing keyboard skills to support and enhance learning in other subjects. Knowing how to keep themselves safe online, and the importance of this, is a vital part of our curriculum and is taught in all year groups, throughout the year.
Computing Curriculum Progression and Coverage Documents:
1. A progression map showing the end points for each year group, in each strand of the computing curriculum:
Computing - Whole School Progression
2. A brief overview of what is being taught in each year group, each term:
Computing - Whole School Overview
3. Detailed breakdown of progression and coverage of core knowledge and skills to be taught in each term, over the year.
Computing Curriculum Plan - Reception (EYFS)
Computing Curriculum Plan - Year 1
Computing Curriculum Plan - Year 2
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Thursday 10th October 2024 (Whole School - 09/10/2024) - Harvest Festival
Thank you to everyone who joined our Harvest celebrations on Wednesday. (Whole School - 04/10/2024) - Open Days for Reception (September 2025)
For parents / carers looking for a Reception school place for their child in September 2025 (Whole School - 18/09/2024)