New Starters

Update: June 2024

Our transition meetings have been going really well and we are looking forward to the children joining us in September.

The children’s first day will be on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.

For the first day, they will attend school for the morning only (from 8.45am – 11.30am). They will be dropped off and collected from the main school playground, where there will be staff on the playground at both times to show you where to go.

On Wednesday 4th September, the children will attend school from 8.45am-1.15pm. This will include a school lunch.

From Thursday 5th September onwards, the children will be full-time (8.45am-3.15pm).

Here is a copy of the information booklet, which was given out in the welcome pack at the meeting.

Please feel welcome to contact the school if you have any questions: 01949 837 422 /


Update: 25 April 2024

Letter sent to parents of new starters via email. Please click this link for a downloadable copy.

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are very pleased to welcome you and your child to Robert Miles Infant School. We are thrilled to be welcoming back so many families who have already had or have older siblings at our school and look forward to meeting all our new families too.

If you have not done so already, please accept the place offered to you via NCC School Admissions to ensure your school place is confirmed. Details on how to do this are on the email or letter you received offering your place, but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

We will be holding a welcome meeting for parents on Wednesday 15th May at 5.00pm, in our school hall. This is an opportunity to meet the Head Teacher and Early Years staff who will share key information about starting school, including school uniform and details about the school day. You will receive a welcome pack at the meeting, with admissions forms to complete. Please include a copy of your child’s birth certificate and signed copies of the various consent forms when returning the admissions form. At the meeting, we will share information about the children’s first week at school.

The welcome meeting is aimed at adults, but we have some visits planned for your child to support the transition process. The dates are:

Stay and Play session on Wednesday 5th June. This is an opportunity for parents and children to come together and play alongside each other, as well as meet some of the Reception staff. During the welcome meeting, you will be asked to choose a morning session (10.00-11am) or afternoon session (1.30-2.30pm).

Each child will also be allocated 2 transition visits, for children only, on the following dates:

Thursday 20th June - AM (9.30-11am)


Wednesday 3rd July - PM (1.30pm - 3pm)

We will update our ‘New Starters’ page on the school website when new communications are sent out, so please check this regularly to ensure you have all the most up-to-date information: RMI website - New Starters

Please could you confirm that you have received this letter and let us know if you are able to attend the welcome meeting, on Wednesday 15th May, by emailing the school office:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Ryan

Head Teacher


Key Information for New Starters in September 2024

If you have applied for a place in our September 2024 Reception classes at Robert Miles Infants, you should hear if your application has been successful on Tuesday 16th April 2024. Please accept your offer to confirm your place at Robert Miles Infants.

In the meantime, here are some documents from previous years to give you an idea about what our school is all about:

You can access stories read by our Reception teachers on our YouTube page (shared as part of our remote learning provision during school closures).

EYFS Long Term Plan / Curriculum Overview

Follow this link for a video tour of our Reception classes.

Thank you - we're looking forward to meeting all our new children and their families!


The BBC have a great selection of resources about starting school...

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch either by email ( or phone (01949 837 422).

January 2025


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    • Open Days for Reception (September 2025)
      For parents / carers looking for a Reception school place for their child in September 2025 (Whole School - 18/09/2024)

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