
English Rationale

The teaching of English will give every child, regardless of their background, needs or current attainment, the fundamental skills they need to read fluently, write coherently and communicate effectively. We systematically teach the skills of reading and writing using the phonics programme 'Read, Write Inc.' (RWI). Alongside this, we teach English discretely to embed elements of comprehension, grammar and spelling. We use carefully selected key texts, set out in our Reading Spine, to offer breadth through genre and depth through focused teaching. We provide purposeful cross-curricular reading, writing and speaking opportunities to embed and deepen knowledge.

You can read our English Intent, Implementation and Impact statements to gain a more in-depth insight into our vision for the teaching of English in our school. (Click here).

English Long Term Plans - Curriculum Progression and Coverage Documents:

Detailed breakdown of progression and coverage of core knowledge and skills to be taught in each term, over the year.

Read, Write, Inc. Reading Progression Whole School

Read, Write Inc. Writing Progression Whole School

English Progression Year 1

English Progression Year 2

Handwriting and Presentation

At our school we teach and expect children to use correct terminology with accurate definitions. Our English Vocabulary Glossary is used when introducing or recapping vocabulary within our English lessons or during cross-curricular learning, ensuring children know the accurate terminology and to ensure consistency within year groups and across the school.

English Vocabulary Glossary

Our termly Reading Newsletters enable us to share with you a few reading notices and some of the reading learning opportunities which have happened throughout each term.

Reading Newsletter - Autumn 2023

Reading Newsletter - Spring 2024

For more detail about how we teach RWI and for additional resources and information, please 'click here' which will take you to our 'Literacy Page and Resources' which you can also find by hovering over the 'Parents' tab.

January 2025


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Latest News

    • Hello Yellow
      Thursday 10th October 2024 (Whole School - 09/10/2024)
    • Harvest Festival
      Thank you to everyone who joined our Harvest celebrations on Wednesday. (Whole School - 04/10/2024)
    • Open Days for Reception (September 2025)
      For parents / carers looking for a Reception school place for their child in September 2025 (Whole School - 18/09/2024)

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