Personal Development

At Robert Miles Infants we bring together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development to enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society.

Our PSHE teaching tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up and works hand in hand with our teaching of British Values. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.

PSHE teaching should encourage children to contribute fully to the life of their school beyond the curriculum. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning.

By the end of their Infant school years, our pupils will be able to understand and respect our diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.

Core Principles for the Teaching of PSHE at Robert Miles Infant School

Pupils at Robert Miles Infant School learn through a PSHE curriculum that will:

  • explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and others’ values, attitudes and beliefs.
  • give children the confidence to ask questions, draw on their own experience, express their views and opinions in a safe and supportive environment.
  • develop positive personal attributes such as resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem, and empathy.
  • Be progressive, building on prior knowledge.
  • ensure their accurate use and understanding of specific vocabulary related to emotional literacy
  • empower them to make real decisions about their lives, to take part in activities where they can demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their decisions.

Curriculum Documents:

A brief overview of what is being taught in each year group, each term:

PSHE- Whole School Coverage

Detailed breakdown of progression and coverage of core knowledge and skills to be taught in each term, over the year:

PSHE - Curriculum Plan - Reception (EYFS)

PSHE - Curriculum Plan - Year 1

PSHE - Curriculum Plan - Year 2

January 2025


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Latest News

    • Hello Yellow
      Thursday 10th October 2024 (Whole School - 09/10/2024)
    • Harvest Festival
      Thank you to everyone who joined our Harvest celebrations on Wednesday. (Whole School - 04/10/2024)
    • Open Days for Reception (September 2025)
      For parents / carers looking for a Reception school place for their child in September 2025 (Whole School - 18/09/2024)

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